To all our readers and supporters – thank you and farewell
As the clock ticks down and a cry of ‘last orders’ sounds out from the clubhouse bar, the moment has finally arrived to call time on Played in Britain.
Launched in conjunction with English Heritage, Played in Britain set out in 2004 to research and celebrate Great Britain’s extraordinarily rich sporting heritage – its historic architecture, its artefacts, its art and even on occasions its archaeology.
With our brilliant team of sports and architectural historians, backed up by a legion of sponsors and fellow travellers, we have published books, organised events, hunted down forgotten gems, supported campaigns (for example Historic Pools of Britain), helped to get buildings listed (eight to date, two more pending), and, we hope, provided a fresh insight into the study of sporting history. Putting the power of place at the core of play.
To all those who were part of this endeavour – whether to point out a building, identify an old ball, dig out a programme from the attic, or simply to buy a book – many thanks.
If you’ve only just come across Played in Britain, please note that we will continue to host this site for a few months so that you may continue to purchase books from our remaining stock.
We will continue to respond to enquiries whenever possible.
We have plans to deposit all our research files with a leading academic institution (to be announced).
Plus you can find a large selection of images taken especially for Played in Britain, at the Historic England Archive, details of which can be found on our images page.
But as far as new publications, new research and new ventures are concerned, we at Played in Britain will now retire gracefully to the pavilion and leave others to champion our nation’s sporting heritage.
Simon Inglis (Played in Britain editor) – June 2023

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Simon Inglis can be found on Twitter and on Instagram